DIY Foam Roller

I have tried various rollers but none gave me a satisfying feeling sort of tissue / muscle depth. As our Asian body frame is smaller and more compact muscle, it is difficult to get a roller to perform as expected ... sigh ... So I think to myself that enough is enough. Its time that I DIY roller myself, to meet the physical needs of my own. Okay! Here is what you need:

1. 4 inch diameter (1.5 feet long)
PVC pipe
2. Foam Sheet
3. All the glue surface
4. tape

1. Wash and dry your pipes properly.

2. Apply glue inch by inch and gently roll the foam to the pipe.

3. Once the foam has been protected pipes, additional cuts.

4. As you will see additional foam on both sides, folding all the additives into the PVC pipe.

5. Make sure before you fold in addition, do not apply excessive foam glue, so it will stick in the pipe.

6. Use the tape to the inside of the pipe to make it look neat.

Is Foam Rolling On?

Foam rolling is a self myofascial release technique (SMR) are used by athletes and physical therapists to block overactive muscles. Form stretching the concept of autogenic inhibition to improve the extended soft tissue, thereby relaxing the muscles and allows the activation of antagonist muscles.
This technique can be effective for many muscles, including: gastrocnemius, latissimus dorsi, piriformis, adductors, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, thoracic spine (trapezius and rhomboids), and TFL. This is achieved by rolling the foam roller under each muscle group until tender areas were found, and keep the pressure on tender areas (known as trigger points) for 30 to 60 seconds.

Although at present there is a lack of research completed with the actual foam rollers, it is widely recognized that the foam roller has the same effect as deep-tissue massages. There is a lot of research on the effects of body massage which can also be brought into rolling.

Equipment used for foam rolling usually consists of a cylinder of bubbles of various sizes; usually 12 inches long, 6 inches in diameter. However, more foam rolls up to 36 inches in length yielded to roll over certain muscles in the back. Multi density foam roller exist, often symbolized by the color of the roller. Those new to foam rolling, or those who have tight muscles or trigger points particularly severe, often starting with a softer foam roll. white rollers are usually softer, while the rolls of blue and black tend to be more tense.

Courtesy of Wikipedia
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